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Reading A Control
- Reads the contents of a TEXT window, TEXTBOX control, or TEXTEDITOR. Also reads the contents of the text field of the COMBOBOX. The result is stored in variableName$
Writing to Controls
- For TEXTEDITOR (and TEXT window) replaces the contents of texteditor with contents of varname$, or replaces contents of texteditor with the contents of a file opened for INPUT and referenced by #handle.
Syntax to read a control
Text Window
- #handle "!contents? variableName$"
Textbox or Texteditor
- #handle.ext "!contents? variableName$"
- #handle.ext "contents? variableName$"
- (See selection? for a similar command.)
Syntax to write to a control
Texteditor (and Text window)
- #handle "!contents varname$"
- #handle.ext "!contents varname$"
- #handle "!contents #handle"
- #handle.ext "!contents #handle"
- Alternate Syntax. Commands that read text from edit controls may also be formatted like this, which is equivalent but outdated:
#handle.ext "!contents?" input #handle.ext, variableName$
Examples - Reading controls
Text Window
'reading the contents of a text window nomainwin WindowWidth = 300 WindowHeight = 370 open "Example" for text as #1 #1 "!trapclose [quit]" 'write some text to the window #1 "Hello World" #1 "" #1 "This is some text that I wrote." #1 "" #1 "Done!" 'read the text from the window #1 "!contents? some$" 'displaying the text shows that variable 'some$' contains the contents of TEXT window. confirm "Is this what you wrote?"+chr$(13)+chr$(13)+some$; y$ wait [quit] close #1 end
'reading the contents of a textbox nomainwin WindowWidth = 300 WindowHeight = 370 statictext #1 "Type something: ", 10, 10, 100, 25 textbox #1.tb1 10, 40, 200, 25 button #1.btn1 "Click Me", [doit], UL 10, 100 statictext #1 "You typed: ", 10, 150, 100, 25 textbox #1.tb2 10, 180, 200, 25 open "" for window as #1 #1 "trapclose [quit]" #1.tb1 "!setfocus" wait [doit] #1.tb1 "!contents? some$" if some$ = "" then notice "Please type something first." #1.tb2 some$ wait [quit] close #1 end
'reading the contents of a texteditor nomainwin WindowWidth = 300 WindowHeight = 370 statictext #1 "Enter Contact Data: ", 10, 10, 100, 25 texteditor #1.te1 10, 40, 250, 120 button #1.btn1 "Click to continue...", [getContactData], UL 10, 200 open "" for window as #1 #1 "trapclose [quit]" #1.te1 "!setfocus" wait [getContactData] #1.te1 "!contents? some$" if some$ = "" then notice "Please type something first.":wait confirm "If contact info is correct, click 'Yes'." +chr$(13)+_ "Your data will be saved to the Database" +chr$(13)+chr$(13)+_ some$;y$ wait [quit] close #1 end
'reading contents of combobox edit window nomainwin a$(0) = "Select from list" a$(1) = "Black" a$(2) = "White" a$(3) = "Red" a$(4) = "Blue" statictext #1.st1 "Please select one:", 10, 10, 100, 25 combobox #1.combo, a$(), [doCombo], 10, 40, 120, 200 open "" for window as #1 #1 "trapclose [Quit]" #1.combo "selectindex 1" wait [Quit] close #1 end [doCombo] #1.combo "contents? var$" if var$ = "Select from list" then notice "Invalid selection":wait notice "You chose ";var$ wait
Examples - Writing to controls
'Writing to a texteditor. nomainwin WindowWidth = 300 WindowHeight = 370 statictext #1 "Contact Data: ", 10, 10, 100, 25 texteditor #1.te1 10, 40, 250, 120 button #1.btn1 "Click to continue...", [getContactData], UL 10, 200 open "" for window as #1 #1 "trapclose [quit]" gosub [contactList] #1.te1 "!contents contactOne$" wait [getContactData] #1.te1 "!contents? contact$" if contact$ = "" then notice "Please type something first.":wait confirm "If contact info is correct, click 'Yes'." +chr$(13)+_ "Your data will be saved to the Database" +chr$(13)+chr$(13)+_ contact$;y$ wait [quit] close #1 end [contactList] contactOne$ = "Peter Wolff" + chr$(10)+_ "123 Lonely Lane" + chr$(10)+_ "Wooden Valley, EU" return
A snippet from the JustBASIC Help file:
'Writing the contents of a file to a text window open "Contents of AUTOEXEC.BAT" for text as #aetext open "C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT" for input as #autoexec print #aetext, "!contents #autoexec"; close #autoexec 'stop here input a$
Useful Procedures
' Place a useful function using this keyword here