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- For use with graphics windows and graphic-boxes, FILL colors the entire window or graphicbox. Fill will cover over any graphics currently displayed.
- Color commands are NOT case sensitive.
- #handle "fill color" - a graphics window
- #handle.ext "fill color" - a graphicbox
- Color can be specified using any one of the standard system colors or using the RGB pure color method. See Colors. e.g.:
#handle.ext "backcolor cyan" #handle.ext "backcolor 127 0 127" 'using a variable for value of color color$="darkgray" rgb$="155 30 155" #handle.ext "color "; color$ #handle.ext "color "; rgb$
- Color set with color commands can be changed with each new graphic command. Run this example:
nomainwin WindowWidth=400 WindowHeight=300 graphicbox #g.gb1 0, 0, 182, 245 graphicbox #g.gb2 182, 0, 180, 245 open "Change Colors Demo" for graphics as #g #g "trapclose [quit]" #g.gb1 "fill yellow" #g.gb2 "fill cyan" wait [quit] close #g end
An example of the command in a graphics window.
nomainwin WindowWidth=400 WindowHeight=300 open "Fill Demo" for graphics as #g #g "trapclose [quit]" 'fill window with color #g "fill 0 127 255" wait [quit] close #g end
An example of the command in a graphicbox.
nomainwin WindowWidth=400 WindowHeight=300 graphicbox 2, 2, 390, 270 open "Fill Demo" for window_nf as #g #g "trapclose [quit]" 'fill graphicbox with color "fill cyan" wait [quit] close #g end
An example combining all three color commands in a graphics window.
nomainwin WindowWidth=400 WindowHeight=300 open "All Color Demo" for graphics as #g #g "trapclose [quit]" 'fill window with color #g "fill cyan" 'set the pen color #g "color red" 'set the backcolor #g "backcolor yellow" 'put the pen down and place it in the center of the window #g "down; home" 'draw a filled circle #g "circlefilled 40" 'draw some text #g "place 20 20;\The cyan window color is set by FILL command." #g "\\The red text color and the red outline of the circle" #g "\is set with the COLOR command." #g "place 20 200;\The circle is filled with the BACKCOLOR yellow." #g "place 20 230;\The color behind the text is the BACKCOLOR yellow." #g "flush" 'make graphics stick wait [quit] close #g end
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