File Type Sequential

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Supported in Just BASIC Supported in Liberty BASIC Not supported in Liberty BASIC 5 Supported in Run BASIC


A file type that requires the program to READ or WRITE data from the beginning of the file to the end, SEQUENTIALLY. It is not possible to retrieve a piece of data starting from the middle of the file, for example.
Sequential files must be OPENed to be used and they must be CLOSEd when finished. Type of access is stated then file is opened:
  • Data is written to the file, OPENed for OUTPUT.
  • Data is read from the file OPENed for INPUT.
  • Data can be added to the end of the file OPENed for APPEND.
A sequential file must exist on disk before it can be accessed. To create a file, it must be opened for OUTPUT or APPEND. Opening a file for INPUT before it is created will cause an error.
NOTE: There is an important distinction to be made between writing to a file using OUTPUT and writing to a file using APPEND. Attempting to write a piece of data to an open file using OUTPUT will overwrite all the data presently saved in the file. To preserve the existing data when adding to the file, use APPEND, which will add the new data to the end of the file. Or, save the existing data in an array, make any changes, then write the entire array back to the file using OUTPUT.


Open and Close File

To OPEN a file in read mode:

  1. open fileName$ for INPUT as #handle

To OPEN a file in write mode:

  1. open fileName$ for OUTPUT as #handle

To OPEN a file in append mode:

  1. open fileName$ for APPEND as #handle

To CLOSE a file

  1. close #handle

Reading and Writing Data

To WRITE data to the file:

  1. print #handle, data to write '(Obsolete form)
  2. #handle data to write '(Preferred form - without 'print' and comma)

To READ data from the file into the program:

  1. input #handle, var ' Reads data up to a comma or carriage return.
  2. line input #handle, var ' Reads full line of data up to carriage return - line feed sequence, including embedded commas.
  3. var$ = INPUT$(#handle, n) ' Reads n number of characters from file. Be warned that it will read characters even they are the delimiters.
  4. var$ = INPUT$(#handle, LOF(#handle)) ' Reads entire file into var$

NOTE: When reading, one should check for the end of the file with the EOF() function. See Input example.


Below find a table of the relation between file content type and preferred access mode.

File Access Modes Best Practice
Content Mime Type Typical Extension Access Mode Reading Writing Open Mode
Plain Text text/plain ini, txt, log Sequential INPUT PRINT read or write
Random Access Random GET PUT read and write (*)
Anything else bmp, gif, doc, etc. Binary INPUT$() PRINT read and write (*)

(*) The file must be WRITE-able. So attempting to open a read-only file (or file from read-only media, like CD) for RANDOM or BINARY will fail.



'create a sample file
open "test.txt" for output as #1
#1 "123 Sesame Street, New York, NY"
close #1

open "test.txt" for input as #1
INPUT #1, txt$
print "INPUT item is: ";txt$
close #1

'INPUT till file ends
print "-- Reading all items from a file"
open "test.txt" for input as #1
while not(eof(#1))
    INPUT #1, txt$
    print "INPUT item is: ";txt$
print "-- file ended"
close #1

open "test.txt" for input as #1
LINE INPUT #1, txt$
print "LINE INPUT item is: ";txt$
close #1

open "test.txt" for input as #1
txt$ = INPUT$(#1, 10)   'read 10 characters
print "INPUT$ item is: ";txt$
close #1


'create a sample file
open "test.txt" for output as #1

'write some data with line delimiters
#1 "line one "
#1 "line two "

'write some data without line delimiters - will be INPUT as single instance (whole long line)
'   "item three item four "
#1 "item three ";
#1 "item four "

'write some data with comma delimiter - will be INPUT as separate instances
'   "item five "    "item six "
#1 "item five ";",";
#1 "item six "

'more data with line delimiters added
#1 "item seven"
#1 "done"
close #1

'INPUT to see what we wrote
open "test.txt" for input as #1
txt$ = input$(#1, lof(#1))
print "Contents of file: "
print txt$
close #1


open "test.txt" for append as #1

'write some data with line delimiters
print #1, "line one "
print #1, "line two "

'write some data without line delimiters
print #1, "item three ";
print #1, "item four ";

'more data with line delimiters added
print #1, "item five"
print #1, "done"
close #1

Useful Procedures

' Place a useful function using this keyword here