Find Folder

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Originally published in NL #141

by StPendl (talk) 21:53, 2 September 2020 (UTC)

Folder Existence

This demo shows how to use FindFirstFileA to query the existence of a folder.

    folder$(1) = "C:\"
    folder$(2) = "C:\WINDOWS\system*"
    folder$(3) = "C:\WINDOWS\system?2"
    folder$(4) = "C:\Program*"
    folder$(5) = "C:\Program*\test"
    folder$(6) = "C:\boot.ini"

    for count = 1 to 6
        if FolderExistsEx(folder$(count), FolderName$, ShortName$) then
            print "Folder: "; chr$(34); folder$(count); chr$(34); " does exist."
            print "Found: "; chr$(34); FolderName$; chr$(34)
            print "Short: "; chr$(34); ShortName$; chr$(34)
            print "Folder "; chr$(34); folder$(count); chr$(34); " does not exist."
        end if


function FolderExistsEx(Path$, byref FoundFolderName$, byref ShortFolderName$)
    ' checks for the existance of the given folder
    ' returns true(1) or false(0)
    ' FoundFolderName$ will hold the first found name when wildcards (? and *) are used
    ' ShortFolderName$ will hold the name in the 8.3 format

    if right$(Path$,1) = "\" then Path$ = left$(Path$, len(Path$)-1)
    if right$(Path$,1) = ":" then
        if instr(Drives$, lower$(Path$)) > 0 then
            FolderExistsEx = 1
            FoundFolderName$ = Path$
            ShortFolderName$ = Path$
            exit function
        end if
    end if

    Path$ = Path$ + chr$(0)

    struct Win32FindData, _
        FileAttributes as ulong, _
        CreationTime.LowDateTime as ulong, _
        CreationTime.HighDateTime as ulong, _
        LastAccessTime.LowDateTime as ulong, _
        LastAccessTime.HighDateTime as ulong, _
        LastWriteTime.LowDateTime as ulong, _
        LastWriteTime.HighDateTime as ulong, _
        FileSizeHigh as ulong, _
        FileSizeLow as ulong, _
        Reserved0 as ulong, _
        Reserved1 as ulong, _
        FileName$ as char[260], _
        AlternateFileName$ as char[14]

    calldll #kernel32, "FindFirstFileA", _
        Path$ as ptr, _
        Win32FindData as struct,_
        handle as ulong

    if handle <> _INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
        if _FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY and Win32FindData.FileAttributes.struct then
            FolderExistsEx = 1
            FoundFolderName$ = Win32FindData.FileName$.struct
            ShortFolderName$ = Win32FindData.AlternateFileName$.struct
        end if

        calldll #kernel32, "FindClose", _
            handle as ulong, _
            result as long
    end if
end function