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Static Handles
- A handle is a unique global identifier of a file, device, window or control. It can only consist of letters, numbers and one period and must start with a sharp-sign (#).
- Once a file, window or other device is closed, its handle is no longer valid. That object can not be referred to until it is once again OPENed with the same, or even a different, handle identifier.
- Static handles, being global in scope, can be seen and used by all parts of the program, including subs and functions.
File, Window or Device Handle
- #MyHandle
Control Handle
- #MyWindow.MyControl
' Place a simple, working example of the keyword here
Useful Procedures
' Place a useful function using this keyword here
Variable Handles
- A variable handle, also known as Handle Variable, is used to allow creating reusable code blocks.
- The string used for the variable handle must start with a sharp-sign (#).
- #Variable$
- Variable handles can only be used to access the object they identify after it is created using the OPEN command.
- They can not be used to create multiple GUI controls in a loop.
- They can not be used by the OPEN command.
- You can use variable handles two ways:
- First, you can generate them programmatically so you can loop through controls doing something with all of them.
- Second, you can use one sub event handler for a group of controls. In a sub, from the handle you can distinguish which control got events or just use the handle to work with a control.
- (see example #Two ways of using variable handles)
General Window Closing Sub
' disable the text window NoMainWin ' create an empty GUI window OPEN "My First Window" FOR window AS #m ' trap closing the window ' call procedure Quit by pushing the X at the top right hand corner #m "trapclose Quit" ' wait for users action WAIT ' define the handler for closing the window SUB Quit Handle$ ' Handle$ will contain "#m" in this example ' use the debugger and walk through the program ' step-by-step to verify this ' close the window handle received by the procedure CLOSE #Handle$ ' terminate the program END END SUB
Two ways of using variable handles
nomainwin WindowWidth = 400 WindowHeight = 170 UpperLeftX=int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY=int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) graphicbox #main.graphicbox1, 30, 20, 100, 100 graphicbox #main.graphicbox2, 150, 20, 100, 100 graphicbox #main.graphicbox3, 270, 20, 100, 100 open "variable handles - click in boxes" for window_nf as #main print #main, "trapclose [quit.main]" 'you can use variable handles two ways 'First, you can generate them programmatically so you can loop ' through controls doing something with all of them: for i = 1 to 3 handle$="#main.graphicbox";i 'you can even assign event handler print #handle$, "when leftButtonDown showNotice" print #handle$,"down; fill ";word$("red green blue", i);"; flush" next wait 'Second, you can use one sub event handler for a group of controls. sub showNotice handle$, x, y 'In a sub, from handle you can distinguish which control got event whichControl = val(right$( handle$, 1)) whichControl$=word$("red green blue", whichControl) 'or just use handle to work with control ' we 'll make clicked box darker, and after notice restore it. print #handle$,"fill dark";word$("red green blue", whichControl);"; flush" notice "You clicked on "; whichControl$; " box" print #handle$,"fill ";word$("red green blue", whichControl);"; flush" end sub [quit.main] Close #main END
Useful Procedures
' Place a useful function using this keyword here