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Supported in Just BASIC Supported in Liberty BASIC Not supported in Liberty BASIC 5 Supported in Run BASIC


This is a conditional decision-making structure. Based on if the condition evaluates to true (nonzero), or false (zero), it controls which statement the program executes next, which can be a branch label or one or more additional commands or statements.
In its simplest form, IF and THEN is a complete conditional statement. Adding the ELSE keyword extends its usefulness.
The logic is as follows:
IF a condition is trueTHEN
do one thing
do another thing
END IF evaluating is done
An IF..THEN..ELSE clause can be written on one line, but is usually written in blocks as above. When used in a block, use END IF to end the structure.
IF..THEN..ELSE clauses can be nested to any level.
See also, SELECT..CASE.


In all cases, 'statement' can be a branch label.

Single-line statements

  1. if test expr then statement
  2. if test expr goto [branchLabel]
  3. if test expr then statement else statement

Conditional block form

if test expr then
end if
if test expr then
end if


if test expr then
if expr then
end if
end if


In JustBASIC, integer nonzero evaluates to true, zero is false.
Relational operators return 1 for true, NOT(0) returns -1.
AND, OR, XOR are bitwise operators.
For the details, see Boolean (logical) operators
If the statement is a simple if..then statement, and the test expression evaluates to true, then the code following the THEN command is executed; otherwise, the next statement to be executed is the line following the if..then statement.
Instead of single statement, one can use several statements delimited with : (colon)
statement1:statement2:statement3 etc. as needed
If the statement is a more complex "code block", the statements which can be executed are coded between the IF and END IF. If test expression is true, the line(s) following the IF statement is executed. If the expression is false, and an ELSE keyword is included, the line(s) following the ELSE is executed; otherwise, END IF is executed and the program continues with the statement following END IF.
Often, the next code to be executed is a branch label, which tells the program to branch to another location in the program. If this is the case, GOTO can be used in place of THEN. These statements produce the same result:
if answer is "yes" then [correctLabel]
if answer is "yes" goto [correctLabel]


Single-line statements

' A simple IF...THEN example
    ' The condition obviously evaluates to "true"
    '  so the statement after THEN is executed and
    '  "yes" is assigned to string variable answer$
    if 1+1=2 then answer$ = "yes"
    print answer$
    ' yes is printed

    ' If the statement is false, this happens:
    if 1+1=3 then ans$ = "yes"
    print ans$
    ' yes was not printed.

' Adding ELSE to handle what to do if expression is false
    if 1+1=3 then ans$ = "YES" else ans$ = "NO"
    print ans$
    ' NO was printed

' Branching as a result of IF...THEN
    if 1+1=2 goto [printYes]
        print "Yes"
    ' Yes is printed

' Conditional branching
    if 1+1=3 then [printYES] else [printNO]
        print "YES"

        print "NO"
    ' NO is printed

Conditional block form

' A simple IF...THEN block
    ' When formed in a block, more than one
    '  statement can be executed.
    ' Use the END keyword to end the IF statement.
    if 1+1=2 then
        answer$ = "yes"
        print answer$
    end if
    ' yes is printed

    ' If the condition is false
    answer$ = "no"
    if 1+1=3 then
        answer$ = "yes"
    end if
    print answer$
    ' no is printed

    ' Adding ELSE lets us handle yes or no in one statement
    if 1+1=3 then
        answer$ = "YES"
        answer$ = "NO"
    end if

    print answer$
    'NO is printed

' Branching
    if 1+1=3 then
        goto [printYESYES]
        goto [printNONO]
    end if

        print "YES"

        print "NO"
    ' NO is printed

Additional examples

    ' Note: See "File Operations" for an explanation
    '  of this user function, "fileExists".

    if fileExists(DefaultDir$, "crazytext.txt") then
        print "This file is existing."
        print "This file does not exist."
    end if

    dim info$(10, 10)
    function fileExists(path$, filename$)
    files path$, filename$, info$()
    fileExists = val(info$(0, 0))
    end function

' A nested IF...THEN example
    if 1+1>1 then
        if 1+1<>3 then
            if 1+1<3 then
                print "1 + 1 = 2"
            end if
        end if
        print "Not sure what 1 + 1 is???"
    end if
    ' prints "1 + 1 = 2"
    ' Change the test expression to 1+0>1 and run the example
    ' Since the expression is no longer true,
    '  the ELSE clause is executed.

Useful Procedures

Inline IF functions.

    print iif(2>3, 10,20)       'Numeric result. Check fails - Prints 20
    print iif$(2<3, "aaa","bbb")  'String results. Check holds - Prints aaa
'some more examples
    x = rnd(1)-0.5
    y = sqr(iif(x>0,x,0))       'in the expression we restrict argument to be >=0
    print x, y
    print "X is ";iif$(x>=0, "positive","negative")

function iif(test, valYes, valNo)
    iif =  valNo
    if test then iif =  valYes
end function

function iif$(test, valYes$, valNo$)
    iif$ =  valNo$
    if test then iif$ =  valYes$
end function