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- This special variable holds the value of keyboard key-presses, called Virtual Key Codes. Key strokes can only be captured when a graphic window or graphicbox has the input focus.
- Inkey$ - (case sensitive)
- Setting Focus. To be certain your graphic window or graphicbox has the focus, issue a "setfocus" command to the window.
- Trapping Keypresses. Keypresses are captured using the command "when characterInput" and the value contained in Inkey$ is evaluated by the code located in the "eventHandler" branch label or subroutine. An example:
#handle.ext "setfocus; when characterInput eventHandler"
- Testing for Case. If you are testing for a key press that must match either an uppercase or lowercase character, modify the Inkey$ assignment with the upper$ or lower$ function:
keyPressed$ = upper$(Inkey$) if keyPressed$ = "A" then print "A was typed."
- Testing for One or Multi-Character Codes. To test if Inkey$ holds more than one character, use the len function:
if len(Inkey$) > 1 then print "Special key was pressed."
Evaluating Inkey$
- Normal Printable Characters. If Inkey$ holds a single character, it will be the key that one would normally press to display a printable character to the screen. These would be the characters that are printed on the keys and are typed without pressing the shift key.
- Non-Printable Characters. If Inkey$ holds more than one character, it may be a shifted printable character or the code for a special key such as Tab, Caps Lock, arrow keys, F-keys, Delete, Insert, etc. The special keys are always represented by two characters, and the ASCII value of the second character is the code for that special key. These keys are often represented by codes called Windows Constants - e.g.: _VK_SHIFT; _VK_F1; _VK_UP; etc. To see if the Up arrow key was pressed, for example, use this code:
[checkKey] keyCode$=Inkey$ if asc(right$(keyCode$, 1)) = _VK_UP then print "Up arrow was pressed" wait
- Shift, Ctrl, Alt keys. Inkey$ can hold a two-character code when any of these keys, or any combination of these keys, is pressed. This allows you to capture and evaluate all of the keys (characters) that are accessible when the shift key is held down, for example. And it allows the use of key combinations such as Ctrl-A, or Alt-X in your program.
- To determine whether the Shift, Ctrl, or Alt key has been pressed, use the bit-wise AND operator to compare the ASCII value of the first character in Inkey$ AND the ASCII value of the particular key (or combination of keys). Here's a snippet of code to illustrate:
[check] shift=4 ctrl=8 alt=16 a=asc(left$(Inkey$,1)) if len(Inkey$)>1 then m$="" if a AND shift then m$="shift " if a AND ctrl then m$=m$+"ctrl " if a AND alt then m$=m$+"alt " print "Special keys pressed: " + m$ else print "Key pressed: " + Inkey$ end if wait
- Key Up and Key Down. Special keys trigger a new value for Inkey$ when they are pressed and again when they are released.
- A partial list of Virtual Key Codes can be found in the JB Help file "Using virtual key constants with Inkey$". A complete list can be found at the MSDN Library in the topic Virtual-Key Codes.
A sample program from JB Help file.
'INKEY.BAS - how to use the Inkey$ variable open "Inkey$ example" for graphics as #graph print #graph, "when characterInput [fetch]" [mainLoop] print #graph, "setfocus" input r$ [fetch] 'a character was typed! key$ = Inkey$ if len(key$) = 1 then notice key$+" was pressed!" else keyValue = asc(right$(key$, 1)) if keyValue = _VK_SHIFT then notice "Shift was pressed" else if keyValue = _VK_CONTROL then notice "Ctrl was pressed" else notice "Unhandled key pressed" end if end if end if wait
Useful Procedures
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