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Text Editor Method
- Returns the text from a specified line.
- #handle "!line n string$"
- #handle.ext "!line n string$"
- Line number. The alias, n, will represent a literal line number in the text. The number must be 1 or greater, but not more than the total number of lines, else an empty string ("") will be returned.
- Return string. The variable can be any string variable name you choose. The value of the text in line n will be contained in this variable. The line can be of any length until a carriage return is encountered.
nomainwin WindowWidth=300 WindowHeight=400 statictext #h.st1 "Enter text data", 10, 15, 200, 20 texteditor #h.text 10, 35, 260, 150 button #h.btn "Copy line", [mainExit], UL, 10, 235 statictext #h.st2 "Enter a line number: ", 10, 200, 100, 25 textbox #h.tb2 115, 200, 25, 25 textbox #h.tb3 10, 280, 260, 25 open "" for window as #h #h "trapclose [quit]" ' 'print some sample text to the texteditor window ' #h.text "This is the original contents of the data file. ";chr$(13);_ "Close window without changing text.";chr$(13);_ "Then change text and close window to see ";chr$(13);_ "the difference." #h.tb2 "!setfocus" wait [mainExit] #h.tb2 "!contents? n" ' 'Using a variable, n, for the line number in the command requires ' that we place the variable outside the quote marks, maintaining ' spaces between the variable and the other parts of the command. ' ' #h.text "!line "; n;" cnt$" #h.tb3 cnt$ wait [quit] 'close main window close #h end
Useful Procedures
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Graphics Method
- For use with graphics windows and graphic-boxes, LINE draws a line from x, y to x1, y1.
- This command is NOT case sensitive.
Using literal values
- #handle "line x y x1 y1" - a graphics window
- #handle.ext "line x y x1 y1" - a graphicbox
Using variable values
- #handle "line "; x;" ";y;" ";x1;" ";y1
- #handle.ext "line "; x;" ";y;" ";x1;" ";y1
- The origin of the line is at x y. The end point will be at the specified x1 y1 coordinates.
- The pen must be down to draw the line. If the pen is not down, line will position the pen at coordinates x1, y1, but no line will be drawn.
- Color & Size. Shapes are drawn with a pen color set by the color command and a line thickness set by the size command.
An example of the command using a graphics window.
nomainwin WindowWidth=400 WindowHeight=300 open "Draw Line Demo" for graphics_nsb_nf as #g #g "trapclose [quit]" 'put the pen down #g "down" 'draw a line #g "line 10 50 10 250" 'change color and size #g "color yellow; size 4" #g "line 10 50 300 50" 'change color and size #g "color red; size 2" #g "line 10 250 300 50" wait [quit] close #g end
An example of the command in a graphicbox.
nomainwin WindowWidth=400 WindowHeight=300 graphicbox 2, 2, 390, 270 open "Draw Line Demo" for window_nf as #g #g "trapclose [quit]" 'put the pen down "down" 'set pen color and size for shape "color blue; size 3" 'draw a line "line 10 10 200 200" wait [quit] close #g end
An example combining four shape commands in a graphics window.
nomainwin WindowWidth=400 WindowHeight=300 open "All Shapes Demo" for graphics_nsb_nf as #g #g "trapclose [quit]" 'put the pen down #g "down" 'set the pen color and size #g "color blue; size 2" 'place and draw a box #g "place 10 10; box 150 150" 'place and draw a circle #g "place 80 80; circle 40" 'place and draw an ellipse #g "place 200 200; ellipse 100 50" 'change pen color and size #g "color red; size 1" 'draw a line #g "line 10 10 200 200" #g "flush" 'make graphics stick wait [quit] close #g end
Useful Procedures
' Place a useful function or sub using this keyword here