Mathematical operators
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- JB mathematical operators list:
Operator Meaning ^ Power (Exponentiation) * Multiplication / Division MOD Modulus (Remainder of a Division) + Addition - Subtraction
- numerical_expression operator numerical_expression
- Result is a numerical expression.
- If there are several operators in an expression, they are evaluated by rules of precedence
- first: ^
- second: * / mod
- third: + -
- within the same precedence - from left to right.
- Just Basic supports operations on arbitrary-length integers, see Numbers. When working with integers, all operations except division return an integer (possibly long integer). There is no special integer division, if a and b are integers, and a/b happens to return an integer, you get an (may be long) integer, otherwise you get a Double (a floating point value with 16 significant digits and a maximum range of about +/- 1e307).
- But if you take INT(a/b) where a is a long integer and b is a (possibly long) integer, then you can get a long integer. It is probably due to JB not storing intermediate results as floating point until it has to.
- Exponentiation operator (^, a^b reads as "a to the power of b") is defined in mathematics so that, if a>0, then b could be any number; but if a<0, then b must be an integer.
- The MOD operator could be described as
- Note that in JB for negative a the result of a MOD b is negative.
- The MOD operator is very handy for wrapping indexes around, just remember that a MOD b for integers a and b produces numbers from 0 to b-1.
- Wrapping things around is nicely illustrated by the day of week concept (see the DATE$() function).
' Place a simple, working example of the keyword here
Useful Procedures
' Place a useful function or sub using this keyword here