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Window Handling
- Opens a window for use in a program. Three pieces of information (parameters) are needed to open the window - device, purpose, and handle.
- Device - the window caption (title)
- Purpose - window type
- Handle - the window's unique identifier
- See Window Types and Handle.
- Any window which is OPENed must be CLOSEd before ending a program. See CLOSE and TRAPCLOSE.
- open device for purpose as #handle
' This statement will open a window of "Type Window" with a caption ' of "My First Window" and a handle of #1. The handle is used so ' other parts of the program can interact with this specific window. open "My First Window" for window as #1 ' Notice that the caption is enclosed in quotes ("). ' To make sure program ends properly, use 'trapclose': #1 "trapclose [quit]" wait [quit] close #1 end
Useful Procedures
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File Handling
- Similar to opening a window, opening a file requires three parameters - device, purpose and handle.
- Device - a valid disk filename
- Purpose - type of file access
- Handle - the file's unique identifier
- For purpose, see File Access Types. (Files can be opened for INPUT, OUTPUT, APPEND, RANDOM or BINARY access.)
- A file which is OPENed must be CLOSEd before ending a program. See CLOSE.
- open device for purpose as #handle
' A file can be opened using a literal text expression for the device parameter: open "c:\readme.txt" for input as #f ' Notice that the literal reference must be enclosed in quotes ("). ' or, the device parameter can be a string variable: open fileName$ for input as #f
Useful Procedures
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Serial Device Handling
- Opens a serial communications port for reading and writing. The required parameters are; baud, parity, data, and stop. Additional optional parameters can be included after the required parameters.
- See also the Com buffer size variable, Com Error Handler, Com Error Description, Com Error Number and Com Port Number
- As with the other devices, the port must be CLOSEd when done and before ending the program.
- open "COMn:baud,parity,data,stop,flags" for random as #handle
Default settings: DTR disabled, XON/XOFF disabled, binary transfer mode
Available baud rates: 75 110 150 300 600 1200 2400 1800 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200
Parity Flags | Data Size | Stop Size | Additional Flags | |||||||
Flag | Meaning | bits long | bits long | Flag | Meaning | |||||
N | No parity | 5 | 1 | CSn | CTS timeout, default 1000ms, 0ms = off | |||||
E | Even parity | 6 | 2 | DSn | DSR timeout, default 1000ms, 0ms = off | |||||
O | Odd parity | 7 | PE | Enable parity checks | ||||||
S | Space parity | 8 | RS | Disable RTS | ||||||
M | Mark parity |
' To open com port 2 at 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity, use this line of code: open "com2:9600,n,8,1" for random as #commHandle ' Notice that the device reference is enclosed in quotes (").
Useful Procedures
' Place a useful function or sub using this keyword here