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- A Passwordbox is a text-box that can be filled by the program as it is created. It can also be typed into by the user. It is different from a text-box because a text-box displays the actual text, while a password box displays asterisk characters in place of the actual text characters.
- PASSWORDBOX #handle, expr - Add a password box to the web page with #handle and filled with the result of expr (string or numeric)
- Following methods are supported
print "Type a password here, then click the 'Reveal password' link." 'create a password box containing default text passwordbox #pw, "default text" print "" print "" print "Password will appear here:" 'create an empty textbox: textbox #tb, "" print "" print "" link #action, "Reveal password.", [reveal] wait [reveal] 'fill the textbox with the contents of the passwordbox #tb text(#pw contents$()) 'this could also be done on two lines, as follows: 'place passwordbox contents into variable pass$ 'pass$ = #pw contents$() 'fill textbox with contents of pass$ variable '#tb text(pass$) wait
Useful Procedures
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