Streamlining Chapter 07 - Use a single graphics box for the resistor display

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by StPendl (talk) 14:57, 2 September 2020 (UTC)

Since we have now got rid of a bunch of controls, we further reduce the number of controls by removing the individual graphics boxes, which make up the display of the resistor.

For this we introduce some global variables to keep track of the current color selection:

    ' define variables to be remembered between calling the sub
    GLOBAL Band1value, Band2value, Band3value, Band4value
    GLOBAL ColorValue1$, ColorValue2$, ColorValue3$, ColorValue4$

    ' set initial band color to body color
    ColorValue1$ = "21 228 255"
    ColorValue2$ = ColorValue1$
    ColorValue3$ = ColorValue1$
    ColorValue4$ = ColorValue1$

Further we replace the seven resistor display graphics boxes:

    'Selected  Bands of Body Resistance
    graphicbox #w.Band1, 155,470,15,35
    graphicbox #w.Band2, 185,470,15,35
    graphicbox #w.Band3, 215,470,15,35
    graphicbox #w.Band4, 255,470,15,35

    stylebits #w.Band1, 0,_WS_BORDER,0,0
    stylebits #w.Band2, 0,_WS_BORDER,0,0
    stylebits #w.Band3, 0,_WS_BORDER,0,0
    stylebits #w.Band4, 0,_WS_BORDER,0,0

    'General Body Resistance
    graphicbox #w.37, 130,470,168,35
    stylebits  #w.37, 0,_WS_BORDER,0,0

    'Terminal Wires
    graphicbox #w.42,  80,485,50,5
    graphicbox #w.43, 300,485,50,5

With a single resistor display graphics box:

    'General Body Resistance
    graphicbox #w.resistor, 80,470,270,35
    stylebits  #w.resistor, 0,_WS_BORDER,0,0

We also have to introduce the code to draw the resistor based on the users selection in the mouse event handler subroutine:

    'Draw Resistor
    #w.resistor "cls;down;home;posxy CenterX CenterY;fill "; BackgroundColor$
    BoxWidth  = CenterX*2
    BoxHeight = CenterY*2

    'Draw Wire
    #w.resistor "color 127 127 127;backcolor 127 127 127"
    #w.resistor "place 0 "; CenterY-2; ";boxfilled "; BoxWidth; " "; CenterY+2

    'Draw Body
    #w.resistor "color 21 228 255;backcolor 21 228 255"
    #w.resistor "place 50 0;boxfilled "; BoxWidth-50; " "; BoxHeight

    'Draw Bands
    #w.resistor "color "; ColorValue1$; ";backcolor "; ColorValue1$
    #w.resistor "place 70 0;boxfilled 85 "; BoxHeight

    #w.resistor "color "; ColorValue2$; ";backcolor "; ColorValue2$
    #w.resistor "place 100 0;boxfilled 115 "; BoxHeight

    #w.resistor "color "; ColorValue3$; ";backcolor "; ColorValue3$
    #w.resistor "place 130 0;boxfilled 145 "; BoxHeight

    #w.resistor "color "; ColorValue4$; ";backcolor "; ColorValue4$
    #w.resistor "place 160 0;boxfilled 175 "; BoxHeight

    #w.resistor "flush"

The complete code now looks like this.

    'Resistor Calculator.bas
    'Author: salaion Yahoo! Group
    'Date: 27.11.10
    ' List of Colors at
    ' 27.11.10 00:18:50 - Initial as posted
    ' 27.11.10 00:21:40 - added array for colors and reduced redundant code for color boxes
    ' 27.11.10 00:34:07 - replaced duplicate command strings by variables
    ' 27.11.10 02:22:16 - consolidated event handler
    ' always take the time for some sleep or you will make things worse ;-)
    ' 27.11.10 10:56:24 - removed radio buttons
    ' 27.11.10 11:53:34 - used single graphics box for resistor

    WindowWidth = 820:WindowHeight = 600
    UpperLeftX=int( (DisplayWidth- WindowWidth) /2)
    UpperLeftY=int( (DisplayHeight- WindowHeight) /2)
    BackgroundColor$ = "green"

    ' define variables to be remembered between calling the sub
    GLOBAL Band1value, Band2value, Band3value, Band4value
    GLOBAL ColorValue1$, ColorValue2$, ColorValue3$, ColorValue4$

    ' set initial band color to body color
    ColorValue1$ = "21 228 255"
    ColorValue2$ = ColorValue1$
    ColorValue3$ = ColorValue1$
    ColorValue4$ = ColorValue1$

    dim Colors$(10,2), Tolerances$(3,2)

    DATA "Black",  "  0   0   0"
    DATA "Brown",  "170 100  20"
    DATA "Red",    "255   0   0"
    DATA "Orange", "255 180   0"
    DATA "Yellow", "255 255   0"
    DATA "Green",  " 45 157  40"
    DATA "Blue",   "  0   0 255"
    DATA "Violet", "170   0 180"
    DATA "Gray",   "127 127 127"
    DATA "White",  "255 255 255"

    DATA "Gold",   "212 175  55"
    DATA "Silver", "200 200 250"
    DATA "None",   " 21 228 255"

    'Fill the arrays
    RESTORE [Colors]

    FOR i = 1 to 10
        READ ColorName$, ColorValue$
        Colors$(i,1) = ColorName$
        Colors$(i,2) = ColorValue$

    RESTORE [Tolerances]

    FOR i = 1 to 3
        READ ColorName$, ColorValue$
        Tolerances$(i,1) = ColorName$
        Tolerances$(i,2) = ColorValue$

    STATICTEXT #w.Ohm, "" , 500, 200, 300, 20
    STATICTEXT #w.Tole,"" , 500, 230, 300, 20

    STATICTEXT #w,Colors$( 1,1),  10,  42, 50, 20
    STATICTEXT #w,Colors$( 2,1),  10,  82, 50, 20
    STATICTEXT #w,Colors$( 3,1),  10, 122, 50, 20
    STATICTEXT #w,Colors$( 4,1),  10, 162, 50, 20
    STATICTEXT #w,Colors$( 5,1),  10, 202, 50, 20
    STATICTEXT #w,Colors$( 6,1),  10, 242, 50, 20
    STATICTEXT #w,Colors$( 7,1),  10, 282, 50, 20
    STATICTEXT #w,Colors$( 8,1),  10, 322, 50, 20
    STATICTEXT #w,Colors$( 9,1),  10, 362, 50, 20
    STATICTEXT #w,Colors$(10,1),  10, 402, 50, 20

    STATICTEXT #w,Tolerances$(1,1), 420,  42, 50, 20
    STATICTEXT #w,Tolerances$(2,1), 420,  82, 50, 20
    STATICTEXT #w,Tolerances$(3,1), 420, 122, 50, 20

    STATICTEXT #w,"K=Kilo " , 470, 300,100, 20
    STATICTEXT #w,"M=Mega " , 470, 330,100, 20
    STATICTEXT #w,"Light Blue is The Default Color of Resistance " , 470, 360,400, 20

    STATICTEXT #w, "First Digit",  70,  8, 80, 20
    groupbox   #w, "",             70, 20, 70,420
    graphicbox #w.Black1 ,         90, 40, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Brown1 ,         90, 80, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Red1   ,         90,120, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Orange1,         90,160, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Yellow1,         90,200, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Green1 ,         90,240, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Blue1  ,         90,280, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Violet1,         90,320, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Gray1  ,         90,360, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.White1 ,         90,400, 30, 30

    STATICTEXT #w, "Second Digit", 150,  8, 90, 20
    groupbox   #w, "",             160, 20, 70,420
    graphicbox #w.Black2 ,         180, 40, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Brown2 ,         180, 80, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Red2   ,         180,120, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Orange2,         180,160, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Yellow2,         180,200, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Green2 ,         180,240, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Blue2  ,         180,280, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Violet2,         180,320, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Gray2  ,         180,360, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.White2 ,         180,400, 30, 30

    STATICTEXT #w, "Multiplier",   250,  8, 80, 20
    groupbox   #w, "",             250, 20, 70,420
    graphicbox #w.Black3 ,         270, 40, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Brown3 ,         270, 80, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Red3   ,         270,120, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Orange3,         270,160, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Yellow3,         270,200, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Green3 ,         270,240, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Blue3  ,         270,280, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Violet3,         270,320, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Gray3  ,         270,360, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.White3 ,         270,400, 30, 30

    STATICTEXT #w, "Tolerance",    340,  8, 80, 20
    groupbox   #w, "",             340, 20, 70,420
    graphicbox #w.Gold4  ,         360, 40, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.Silver4,         360, 80, 30, 30
    graphicbox #w.None4  ,         360,120, 30, 30

    graphicbox #w.title, 488,53,306,44
    stylebits  #w.title, 0,_WS_BORDER, 0,0

    'General Body Resistance
    graphicbox #w.resistor, 80,470,270,35
    stylebits  #w.resistor, 0,_WS_BORDER,0,0

    open "Resistor Calculator" for window_nf as #w
    #w "trapclose [quit]"
    #w "font Times_New_Roman 13"

    #w.title "cls;down;color blue;backcolor yellow;size 15;place 0 0;boxfilled 306 44"
    #w.title "font Times_New_Roman 16 bold;color red"
    #w.title "place 13 28;\Resistor Color Code of 4 Bands"
    #w.title "flush"

    FOR Band = 1 to 3
        FOR Color = 1 to 10
            Handle$ = "#w."; Colors$(Color,1); Band

            #Handle$ "cls;down;fill "; Colors$(Color,2); ";flush"
            #Handle$ "when leftButtonUp MouseClick"

    FOR Tolerance = 1 to 3
        Handle$ = "#w."; Tolerances$(Tolerance,1); 4

        #Handle$ "cls;down;fill "; Tolerances$(Tolerance,2); ";flush"
        #Handle$ "when leftButtonUp MouseClick"

    ' apply initial settings
    call MouseClick "#w.Black1", 0, 0
    call MouseClick "#w.Black2", 0, 0
    call MouseClick "#w.Black3", 0, 0
    call MouseClick "#w.None4",  0, 0


    close #w

SUB MouseClick Handle$, PosX, PosY
    ' parse handle of calling control
    Band = val(Right$(Handle$, 1))
    ColorName$ = Mid$(Handle$, 4, Len(Handle$)-4)

    ' get position of color
    FOR i = 1 to 10
        if Colors$(i,1) = ColorName$ then exit for
        if i < 4 then if Tolerances$(i,1) = ColorName$ then exit for

    ' if we had no match exit
    If i = 11 Then Exit Sub

    Select Case Band
        Case 1
        Band1value = (i-1) * 10
        ColorValue1$ = Colors$(i,2)

        Case 2
        Band2value = i-1
        ColorValue2$ = Colors$(i,2)

        Case 3
        Band3value = 10 ^ (i-1)
        ColorValue3$ = Colors$(i,2)

        Case 4
        Band4value = i*5
        if Band4value = 15 then Band4value = 20
        ColorValue4$ = Tolerances$(i,2)

        Case Else
        Exit Sub
    End Select

    'Draw Resistor
    #w.resistor "cls;down;home;posxy CenterX CenterY;fill "; BackgroundColor$
    BoxWidth  = CenterX*2
    BoxHeight = CenterY*2

    'Draw Wire
    #w.resistor "color 127 127 127;backcolor 127 127 127"
    #w.resistor "place 0 "; CenterY-2; ";boxfilled "; BoxWidth; " "; CenterY+2

    'Draw Body
    #w.resistor "color 21 228 255;backcolor 21 228 255"
    #w.resistor "place 50 0;boxfilled "; BoxWidth-50; " "; BoxHeight

    'Draw Bands
    #w.resistor "color "; ColorValue1$; ";backcolor "; ColorValue1$
    #w.resistor "place 70 0;boxfilled 85 "; BoxHeight

    #w.resistor "color "; ColorValue2$; ";backcolor "; ColorValue2$
    #w.resistor "place 100 0;boxfilled 115 "; BoxHeight

    #w.resistor "color "; ColorValue3$; ";backcolor "; ColorValue3$
    #w.resistor "place 130 0;boxfilled 145 "; BoxHeight

    #w.resistor "color "; ColorValue4$; ";backcolor "; ColorValue4$
    #w.resistor "place 160 0;boxfilled 175 "; BoxHeight

    #w.resistor "flush"


    Select Case
        Case vv>=1000000
        #w.Ohm "Resistance Value=";vv/1000000;" M Ohm"

        Case vv>=1000
        #w.Ohm "Resistance Value=";vv/1000;" K Ohm"

        Case Else
        #w.Ohm "Resistance Value=";vv;" Ohm"
    End Select

    if Band4value>0 then #w.Tole "Tolerance Value =";"  +/- ";Band4value;"%"